Friday 12 June 2009

Amsterdam via Munich, from London

So, I'm en rout to Amsterdam, Netherlands. So, naturally I leave London and fly to Munich, Germany! Clearly this is the logical rout to take. Ok, so maybe not. Why, you ask, am I navigating by such an indirect path? Well . . . Monday it's my friend Mark's 30th Birthday. He's an American, but used to live in Munich, and now lives in Ethiopia (with Nepal in between). So, Munich seemed the most central location for his festivities. He's rented a cabin in the mountains and invited people to come when they can, and stay for whatever amount of time they want. So several of us who've had to travel just to get to Germany are going to be there for the full weekend. Now, since I have to be in Amsterdam on Sunday to meet up with Grandma and Mom at the end of their cruize, I thought, what sense does it make to fly to Munich, fly back to London, just to turn around 3 days later and fly back to the continent? Yeah. It didn't. Especially since I don't have anything in England which requires my physical presense. Nice, eh? So, that's why Amsterdam via Munich.

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