Sunday, 16 June 2013

Dusting Off the Blogg

Right, so last month I dusted off my ScrapBlog... This month I'm dusting off this blog...  Yeah, it's been a while. Between moving and the emotional (not to mention physical!) chaos all that caused, I got out of the habit, and then stayed there. 

But I'll be better!

My sister asked if I'd drive with her to my parents' house. Funny, she didn't feel up to tackling a 10 hour drive with a 2 year old without backup. Can't imagine why... So of course I said yes. 

I know it sounds like weird timing, for her to go off to her dad's on Father's Day, and leave her husband all on his own, but the work schedule for my brother-in-law gives him every-other Friday off.  That means that he worked this past Friday.  So rather than be gone over one of his Off-Work Fridays, we were gone over Father's Day. Was awesome for us to spend Father's Day with our Dad, though!

Now, you've undoubtably realised by now that my family are a little nuts. Well, we just know how to have fun!

Yesterday we did a 2 Mile Family Fun Run (err... Mostly walk).  Papa (my nephew's word for Grandpa) and Auntie (that's me) ran with Munchkin, while Mommy and Grandma walked.  Munchkin RAN most of the way!  At least a mile and a half!!!  And walked another quarter mile!  He only had to be carried the last quarter mile!  Pretty good for a 2 year old!

He had SO much fun!  He does LOVE to run, so he loved running with Papa and Auntie. Afterwards, he's 3/4 asleep in his car seat, BEGGING to go more!

At home we worked on the Treehouse. Munchkin "helping" by bringing Papa "all the woods."  (Never mind that Papa was up the ladder with nuts and bolts, installing the Zipline!)

Then we went up to the Rimrock Park and hiked across all the boulders. Another huge hit with the Munchkin!  We walked more than a mile, and he was still wanting more!

We rounded the day off with Nerf Gun Wars!  

Yeah, he slept well last night!

Today was another spectacular day. After church (and naps... For everyone!) we went back out and played in the yard. We checked on the baby robins in their nest under the eave's, played chase with Papa and Auntie, spotted a deer walking through the yard! Got tossed between Auntie and Papa ("I'm a Rocket Ship!"), played hide-and-seek (with a "Boo!" when found) with Papa, played with shadows, and Grandma hooked up the baby swing to the Zipline!

Oh the squeals!!!  Joy. Rapture. Bliss. Just enough danger to be exciting. Such a hit!

And ice cream and Nerf Wars, then Mario Cart... And bed. I hope he's as tired as I am!

Here are a couple of photos from the past 2 days. 


Miss Beevers said...

YAY! You are back! ;) xx

Adele said...

Hey, you! Yeah, I'm back. :) Been watching all your photos on FB! Seriously exciting!