Thursday, 3 July 2008

Summer In England

I was enjoying a lovely morning's work in the garden today. The sun was out, the air was still and warm. I was happily going along doing all the trimmings that I've been neglecting for the whole of Spring, when a dark black cloud started drifting over my sun. Pretty soon some fat drops of rain were splashing down on my back. Regardless of the size of the drops, it was still a light sprinkling, so I kept working. Before long, though, it picked up the pace. So I started cleaning up the clippings, getting them inside. Usually, when the rain decides it wants to be serious about getting things wet, it acts just like snow. The larger the flakes (or drops) the less serious the storm. Well, every once in a while that pattern breaks. And in fact, this cloud let loose with a heavy downpour of enormous drops. By the time I got the clippings all gathered, bagged and into the shed (so the containers wouldn't collect rain) and got inside, I no longer needed a shower. I was wet enough that it looked like I'd just stepped out of one! And those fat drops were running down out of my hairline, streaming across my face. Within 10 minutes, the rain had passed and the sun was back out. Unfortunately for my gardening ambitions, though, it had succeeded in drenching everything. It's no longer feasible to cut the grass or do any more trimming 'til things dry out a bit. Never mind, that's Summer in England!


Coila said...

That's funny, when I saw the title my first thought was "Wait, there's *summer* in *England*??" Oh right, that kind of summer. ;)

Bummer about your yardwork ambitions getting squashed like that. :(

Adele said...

It wasn't that bad. I still managed to fill up both of my yard sacks. I'll either have to wait till after the recycling gets collected (Monday) to do another lot of cleaning, or get more bags. I'm only allowed to put 4 out at a time. I'll probably just wait! ;) So, it didn't really mess me up that much.

littlemithi said...

S lovely to hear about your gardening ... ours consists mainly (recently anyways) of clearing out snails and slugs that have been chomping the greenery in the back garden - Drew can't bring himself to kill them, so we just release them instead in the front garden where its all a bit overgrown ...